Amber G. Davis Amber G. Davis

On the EB-1A media coverage criterion

For the EB-1A media coverage criterion, it’s not enough to simply have your work indirectly mentioned as part of a media piece about your employer and their work.

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Amber G. Davis Amber G. Davis

On profile-building for EB-1A

Doing a lot of one type of profile-building activity (like judging) does not mean you have a strong EB-1A case.

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Amber G. Davis Amber G. Davis

How USCIS looks at EB-1A applicants

USCIS will compare you to other applicants in your field to see if you’ve really risen to the top of your field.

Everything you present as evidence will be used as a basis for comparison.

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Amber G. Davis Amber G. Davis

Do you have a strong EB-1A case if you only meet three or four EB-1A criteria?

A lot of people I talk to meet three and sometimes even four criteria (usually high salary, critical or leading role, and original contributions or judge of the work of others), but think they do not have a strong EB-1A case.

They think they need to have publications, media about them or awards to have a strong case but the reality is that if you meet three EB-1A criteria, specifically high salary, leading or critical role and one other criterion, you are at least minimally qualified for EB-1A.

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Amber G. Davis Amber G. Davis

Showing that you meet the EB-1A extraordinary ability standard

What makes you at the top of your field?

That’s the question USCIS will be asking in their heads when reviewing your EB-1A application.

To meet the EB-1A extraordinary ability standard, you’ll need something that’s unquestionable or at least something that most reasonable people would see as strong evidence that you are at the top of your field.

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Amber G. Davis Amber G. Davis

On picking a niche and EB-1A profile-building

You don’t have to pick a niche to start profile-building.

In fact, picking a niche too early, especially if you’re a junior professional, may not be the best approach to take (unless you’ve already developed a significant amount of expertise in an area and want to continue to build your expertise in that area).

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