Final merits matters for EB-1A
You can claim three EB-1A criteria.
And still receive a denial.
On an EB-1A approval in semiconductors
Got another EB-1A approval.
Five criteria accepted.
A super strong case.
On the EB-1A media coverage criterion
For the EB-1A media coverage criterion, it’s not enough to simply have your work indirectly mentioned as part of a media piece about your employer and their work.
On profile-building for EB-1A
Doing a lot of one type of profile-building activity (like judging) does not mean you have a strong EB-1A case.
On the leading or critical role EB-1A criterion
For the leading or critical role EB-1A criterion, you don’t currently have to be in a leading or critical role to meet the criterion.
On the EB-1A original contributions criterion
Just because your work impacts your field outside of your employer does not mean you meet the original contributions criterion.
On EB-1A profile-building for junior and mid-level professionals
Why does EB-1A profile-building usually take years for junior or mid-level professionals?
On what to look for in EB-1A activities
On what to consider when looking for events to attend, volunteer at or speak at to build your EB-1A profile:
What it means to be a top professional in your field for EB-1A
For EB-1A, extraordinary ability does not mean showing that you’re at the top within the group of professionals who also have your job title.
You can still profile-build for EB-1A without a strong anchor criterion
You can still profile-build for EB-1A without a strong anchor criterion.
USCIS is not looking for a specific type of activity in EB-1A applicants
USCIS is not looking for a specific type of activity in EB-1A applicants.
Can you apply for EB-1A as a recent graduate from a master’s degree program?
Having a bunch of publications and a master’s degree is most likely not going to be enough for EB-1A.
You can apply for both EB-1A and EB-2 NIW at the same time
It’s possible to file both EB-1A and EB-2 NIW at the same time.
On how to get started with EB-1A profile-building
If you have not been professionally involved in your field outside of your work at your company, you’ll want to start doing activities outside of work to build a strong EB-1A profile.
How USCIS looks at EB-1A applicants
USCIS will compare you to other applicants in your field to see if you’ve really risen to the top of your field.
Everything you present as evidence will be used as a basis for comparison.
Is it possible to build a strong EB-1A case without meeting the leading or critical role and high salary criteria?
Is it possible to build a strong EB-1A case without meeting the leading or critical role and high salary criteria?
Do you have a strong EB-1A case if you only meet three or four EB-1A criteria?
A lot of people I talk to meet three and sometimes even four criteria (usually high salary, critical or leading role, and original contributions or judge of the work of others), but think they do not have a strong EB-1A case.
They think they need to have publications, media about them or awards to have a strong case but the reality is that if you meet three EB-1A criteria, specifically high salary, leading or critical role and one other criterion, you are at least minimally qualified for EB-1A.